Register Entry

To register for a competition, simply navigate to and click on the "Competitions" tab. From there, you'll be able to sign up for the competition of your choice.

Once you're in the "Competitions" section, search for the competition you wish to register your beers for and click on it. You can filter by type or by country.

In this example, the entry will be registered for the "Copa Bonaerense de Cervezas" competition.

After clicking on "Registration" you can begin the registration process:

The registration page includes various sections providing additional information to potential participants:

  • Judges: This section displays the list of judges who will participate in the competition. Please note that this option is only active if the competition organizers decide to make it public.
  • Competition Rules: Here you can find detailed information about the competition's rules.
  • Style Categories: This section allows you to view the available beer styles in the competition. By clicking on a specific style, you can access its description.

  • Shipping/Drop-off instructions: Provides detailed instructions for shipping and delivering entries to the competition.
  • I want to volunteer: This section allows individuals to volunteer for the competition. Volunteers can indicate if they are interested in serving as a Judge, Steward, or member of the Staff. Volunteers will need to provide relevant information for the assessment of the competition organizers, such as email, name, beer bio, city and country of residence, telephone number, BJCP ID and rank, experience in previous competitions, availability for judging sessions, etc. If volunteering as a judge, individuals should also specify any allergies or dietary restrictions in the "Allergens" box. Please note that the "I want to volunteer" menu is only active if the competition organizers are accepting volunteers.

  • Contact the organizer: This feature enables you to send an email directly to the organizer for any inquiries or assistance needed.

Below the “Register now” button, you'll find a flowchart detailing the deadlines of the competition.

By clicking on "Other currencies", you can select from a range of currency options for payment, depending on what currencies the organizer has provided.

If the organizer has set up different prices in the same currency, they will be displayed to the brewer.

After clicking on "Register now", you'll need to either create a new user account or log in with an existing one. If you choose to log in with an existing account, you can do so by entering your email and password, or by accessing with a Google account.

If it's your first time accessing the platform, you'll need to click on the "Sign up" button. From there, you can either provide an email address and create a password, or sign up as a new user using your Google account.

It's worth noting that once logged in, users can access their profile by clicking on the icon located in the upper right corner and then selecting "My profile". From there, they can edit their profile details:

You can edit various details including your name, preferred language, address/city/state/country of origin, mobile number, club or guild (if applicable), Facebook and Instagram profiles and Beer Bio. Once you've made the necessary changes, simply click on "Save Profile".

Continuing with the registration of your beer, after clicking on "Register now" and logging in, you'll need to name the brewery (for professional competitions) and fill in its information, including company details, country, address, city, state, zip code, website, logo, and contact details.

n the case of a homebrew competition, you must provide your personal data if you are accessing the platform for the first time, or you can edit your information if you are an existing user.

It's worth noting that by clicking on the icon located in the upper right corner of the screen and selecting "My breweries," you can add new breweries or delete existing ones associated with this user.

Whether you are registering a professional or a homebrewer entry, it is possible to register multiple entries. You can do this by entering the name of the entry, the style in which it is registered, information about allergens (if applicable), and additional information regarding vital statistics (the latter is not mandatory).

The entry can be added to the order by clicking on "Add to order". Afterward, you can either continue registering entries or proceed to close the order by clicking on "Place order". Before finalizing the order, it is necessary to consent to the rules of the competition by checking the box "I have read, understood, and accepted the rules and regulations of the competition". Please note that you can change the selected currency by clicking on "Change currency".

Additionally, you have the option to apply a promo code by clicking on "Apply promo code". This allows you to use a coupon if you have one available. Payments can be made either by bank transfer or through one of the payment gateways chosen by the organization (such as PayPal, Mercado Pago, etc.).

If the administrator has included taxes in the pricing, it will be specified in your order.

Depending on the payment method chosen by the organizer, you will have various payment options. Below are some examples. Remember that on platforms like PayPal, you will need to click on the "Buy now with PayPal" button, which will redirect you to its website to complete the payment.

If you are opting for payment via bank deposit, upon clicking "I will pay by deposit/check," a message similar to the one below will appear. Organizer approval is necessary to confirm that they have processed your payment.

Following the organizer's approval:

After completing the payment, your order screen will resemble the following:

BAP assigns an order number for the purchase and a registration ID for each entry. Brewers have the option to print registration labels by clicking on "Print labels" (avilable only if the administator has enabled this feature). Additionally, they can create a new order by selecting "New order" or cancel an existing one by choosing "Cancel order".

To review the status of orders, click on icon located at the top right corner of the screen and select "My orders".

By accessing "View order", the brewer will be able to see the registered entries. If the editing deadline has not expired, they can also edit them using the pencil icon. Additionally, they can print the labels for the entries by selecting "Print Labels" (if enabled by the administrator). After the competition concludes, they can access the judging scoresheets by clicking on the "Scoresheet" button next to each entry.

After the order has been placed, the brewer will receive a confirmation message via email confirming their registration:

The brewer will also receive an email after their beers have been judged, containing links to access the scoresheets of their entries. This serves as an alternative to accessing them while logging in to BAP:

Brewers have the option to provide feedback regarding the quality of the information provided by judges by clicking on the stars at the bottom of each judge's individual scoresheets (if this option was enabled by the administrator). They can also share their impressions on the quality of the feedback. It's important to note that this information will only be delivered to the administrator of the specific competition and not to the judge.

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