
Entering “Sorting” allows you to assign a judging code to an entry that was previously checked-in. This feature helps provide more confidentiality to entries by relabeling them. It does not apply to competitions where the entry code is maintained throughout the competition. Here is how you access Sorting:

This screen is then accessed:

The entry code of the received entry and its information are detailed, and then the process is the same as if “Check-in and sort” is chosen at the beginning of the process. The judging ID can be typed, or you can scan the QR Code with your cell phone/computer camera.

Do not forget to click on “Sort” to save the changes. The Award Category is shown in case it has been created before.

If you want to cancel the sorting of an entry (before the entry has been judged), just type the registration ID or judging ID again and confirm the cancellation. This operation will be recorded in the entry's history and can be only be performed by a user with the administrator role.

As the Check-in and its subsequent step, Sorting, are carried out, the changes will be reflected in the Dashboard:

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