
By clicking on Administration => Tags, you can create and view Tags that serve as additional filters for entries. These Tags can assist you, for instance, with appropriate warehouse logistics or similar organizational functions. They are markers created by organizers to aid in the identification of entries..

You will visualize this:

Tags can be created by clicking on “Add tag”.

Those tags can be edited by clicking on the pencil icon or deleted by clicking on the trash can icon. Additionally, they can be printed if first selected via the check boxes and then the printer icon clicked on. Printing tags helps you quickly assign a tag to a sample using your cellphone camera during the check-in process.

The number of labels per tag and the sheet format are selected, generating printouts with QR codes. These QR codes can be used by the organization to label a shelf or a box, for example. They can then be scanned with a cellphone to identify all entries linked to that Tag.

Accessing Administration => Tags and clicking on the number under the “Entries” column for a given Tag, it is possible to access all the entries linked to that Tag:

If you click on this icon, you can add multiple Tags simultaneously (one Tag per line). This is helpful when you want, for example, to create multiple Tags for organizing your cellar.

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