Judges Administration

By accessing the “Judges” option, it is possible to register judges who will evaluate beers in a competition.

You will be directed to this screen:

If the “Create first judge” option is selected, each judge can be registered by selecting their BAP user or entering their email address. This applies to judges already in the BAP database as well as new judges:

When adding a new judge, a form similar to the following is displayed:

The following data from the judge can be entered in this form:

  • Photo (accepted formats: jpeg, jpg, png, gif).
  • Name.
  • Beer bio.
  • City, state and country.
  • Contact information (mobile, Facebook account, Instagram account).
  • BJCP ID and rank.
  • Other certifications and experience.
  • Beer competitions in which the judge participated (BAP displays pre-existing options, although others competitions can be registered manually).
  • Affiliation with breweries (if applicable).
  • Conflicts or limitations with specific styles.
  • Style preferences.
  • Allergens.
  • Comments.
  • Session availability (if judging sessions were already defined by the organizer by the time judges are added).

Once completed, click on “Save” to record the judge's data:

Judges can be registered individually using the "Add judge" button. Alternatively, multiple judges can be added at once by using the "Import" button. By entering the judge's email address or a combination of the email address and name, one per line, you can import more than one judge simultaneously.

Next, specify the country of origin for each judge and save:

Info will be displayed as shown below:

Clicking on this icon allows you to copy the emails of the judges:

Clicking on the following icon allows you to export data from judges as either a CSV or XLSX file:

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