Entry Styles

By clicking on the “Entry styles” option, you can select the style guidelines to use in the competition.

You will be directed to this screen:

You can choose to select all the styles of the chosen guidelines or specific ones, as shown in the example below:

Clicking on “Import Styles” in the lower right corner executes this operation.

Additionally, you can create a new category (or even fully develop your own style guidelines) by clicking on "Add category":

It is necessary to complete the ID, name and description of the new category. For example:

Clicking on "Save category" will include the new category among the imported categories of the selected guideline:

It is possible to delete categories by selecting the trash can icon or edit them by clicking on their names. This section also allows for the creation of subcategories within a main category, for which you can specify the ID, name, description, registration instructions, requirements for providing base style/additional information/special ingredients, vital statistics, etc. See the example below:

The main category is “German Origin Ale Styles”, and the subcategory will be “Fruited Berliner Weisse”.

Clicking on “Save subcategory” saves the subcategory within the previously created category.

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