Promo Codes
By accessing the Promo Codes option,you can generate various discount codes to be assigned by the competition organization.
You will be directed to this screen:
When clicking on New promo code, the following fields need to be completed:
- Promo code: Enter the discount code ID, which allows the creation of the link. It should be written in lowercase and can contain numbers.
- Name: Specify the name of the discount.
- Discount type: Choose one of the following options:
- Fixed Value: The discount represents a fixed amount which will be deducted from the registration fee, even if it exceeds that fee. Enter the absolute value.
- Percentage: The discount represents a percentage that will be deducted from the registration fee. Specify the percentage.
- By Quantity: The discount is a fixed value based on the number of samples presented. Indicate the range for the number of samples and the fixed discount amount.
- Redeemed once per user: If selected, each user can use the discount code only once.
An example is provided below:
Once completed, click on Save, and the created discount rule will be displayed as follows:
The organization can create all the discount rules deemed necessary, with no restrictions on the number of rules or the currency used.