
By accessing the “Orders” option, you can view all registration orders made by participants along with their payment status:

You will be directed to this screen:

It's important to note that this screen will only display information once participants start registering their beers.

In the graph on the left, the X-axis indicates the dates, while the Y-axis indicates the number of entries registered. Different colors represent various order statuses: blue for new orders ("New order"), yellow for pending payments ("Payment pending"), orange for rejected payments ("Payment rejected"), green for processed payments ("Paid"), and brown for canceled orders ("Canceled"). The graph will dynamically update as orders are made, payments are accepted, payments are canceled, and so on.

In the box to the right, you will find:

  • “#”: Order number.
  • “Created by”: Individual or company who created the order (the company is only applicable for registrations in professional competitions).
  • “Participant”: Name of the participating brewery or homebrewer.
  • “Price”: Total sales (with its correspondent currency) and number of entries presented. If the brewer applied a discount code, these values may vary.
  • “Created on”: Date on which the order was created.
  • “Status”: Status of the order. It can be any of the previously described (“New Order”, “Payment pending”, “Payment rejected”, “Paid”, or “Canceled”).

At the bottom of that box you can find the pending orders (if any). These are orders that were not completed by the brewer.

You can search for a specific order or group of orders by clicking on the filter icon or the magnifying glass icon.

If you click on any of the lines of the orders table, you can access the information of that particular order:

In the pop-up box, you can access more detailed information about the order, including the registration ID of each entry presented, along with its commercial name, the name of the brewery, the category in which each entry is registered, and the partial and total registration fees of the order. Additionally, at the bottom of the box, a history of the order's evolution is displayed.

If you click on the pencil icon located next to the entry, you can edit its information. If this operation is performed, an email will be sent to the brewer informing them of the change.

By clicking on the "Manage" box in the upper right corner, different options will appear:

  • Print labels: Here you can print the registration labels for that order.

  • Print invoice: If you have enabled the "Enable invoice to participants" option in Settings => Payment methods, you can configure and download the order’s invoice simply by entering the participant's name, address, and country. Afterward, you can send it to the participant..

In case taxes or discounts have been set, they will be included in the invoice.

  • Mark as paid: By clicking on this option, you will mark this order as paid. This is particularly important if you have set "Bank Deposit" as the payment method or if promo codes reduce the registration fee to zero.
  • Cancel payment: By selecting this option, the payment is canceled
  • Cancel entries/order: Here, you can cancel the entire order or only a selected group of entries. It's important to mention that if "Bank Deposit" is the selected payment method, the refund must be done manually; otherwise, the payment gateway will refund the entrant automatically.

It should be noted that no entries will be shown in the Administration => Entries menu, nor will any participant be displayed in the Administration => Participants menu until the registration payment has been confirmed. If the payment method involves a bank account, the payment must be manually accepted by selecting "Mark as paid". If the payment method involves an electronic payment platform such as PayPal, Mercado Libre, or similar, payment confirmation is automatic.

In the example below, before accepting the payment, the summary on the Dashboard will look like this:

Once the payment is accepted, the entries will be processed accordingly:

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