Competition Website

By accessing the “Competition Website” option in “Settings”, you can configure settings related to the public page of the competition generated by BAP:

You will be directed to this screen:

Fields to be completed:

  • Contact:
    • Contact email: Contact email of the organizer of the competition.
    • Website: Website related to the competition or organization of the competition. This allows participants to learn more about the competition/organization. It is not mandatory to complete it, but it can be useful for organizations with their own website, especially if it's a different domain than the Beer Awards Platform. For example, in Aro Rojo, a competition from Mexico, they have their own website set up:

  • Appearance:
    • Logo: You can upload the competition's logo (as an image file, with a preferable resolution of 800x800 pixels).
    • Cover: You can upload the cover image of the competition (as an image file, with a 1.91:1 ratio and an ideal resolution of 2432 pixels wide by 1274 pixels high)
    • Primary color: This is the primary color for buttons, links, text, and other visual elements on the competition's public page. Be careful not to choose the same color as the background to ensure readability.
    • Secondary color: This is the secondary color for buttons, links, text, and other visual elements on the competition's public page. Similar considerations regarding the choice of color apply as mentioned in the previous point.
  • About the competition: This is the main text that introduces and describes the competition.

  • Options:
    • Show judge roster to participants: When enabled, this option allows potential competition participants to view the list of judges on the public page.
    • Enable users to apply as volunteers (judges, stewards or staff members): Enabling this option allows volunteers to submit their applications for roles such as judges, stewards, or staff.
    • Show number of entries on public page: When enabled, this option displays the actual number of entries already registered in the competition on the competition website, along with the maximum number of entries allowed (if set).

  • Competition rules: This option allows for the upload of the competition's rules in PDF format
  • SEO:
    • Google Analytics Tracking ID: Allows the upload of the Google Analytics tracking ID to collect information regarding the source of accesses to the platform. While not mandatory, it is a valuable tool for those managing ad campaigns.
    • Facebook Pixel Code ID: Allows the loading of the Facebook Pixel ID to collect information regarding the source of accesses to the platform from social networks. This feature is optional.
  • Email templates: This section allows you to configure the format of automatic email templates.

When the organizer wants the competition to be published on our Website, the “Publish Website” option located in the upper right corner of the “Competition Website” page must be activated:

At the top of the screen, the URL to the public page of the competition is displayed (within the domain of BAP):

Once the "Competition Website" settings are complete, click on "Save".

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