Check-in (Entries Receptionist)

The “Check in” feature allows you to confirm the reception of entries. Here is the path:

You will then access this screen:

You can manually enter the entry code of the received entry or scan the QR code directly from the label using a cell phone or a computer’s camera. Either way, you will then access the following screen:

When receiving entries, there are three options:

  • “Entry samples received in perfect condition”: The entries arrived in perfect condition and without problems.
  • “Entry samples received with a minor problem”: The entries were received with some minor problem that does not affect their subsequent treatment and participation in the competition.
  • “Reject entry samples and report a problem”: Entries must be rejected because of a larger problem (for example, all bottles broken). If this option is selected, in the Administration => Entries menu the entry appears as having a “Check-in problem”, and it will not be checked in (so the entry will not be available for judging).

In the last two cases it is necessary to provide details of the problems detected. This information will then be sent by email to the participant. An automatic email message will also be sent to the participant when the first option is selected.

Examples of the last two cases are detailed below:

It is possible to add a photo (using your cellphone or your computer’s camera) as evidence for the brewer by clicking on “Add an Image”. That photo will also be sent by email. See the example below.

You can also create a Tag for identification in the warehouse logistics of the entry or for whatever purposes the organizer sees fit.

For example, a new Tag could be created that references the location of the entry in the warehouse:

Or you can add an existing tag, either by typing and selecting or by scanning the Tag's QR code with a mobile phone:

When finalizing this process, the following options are available:

  • “Cancel”: Cancels the operation.
  • “Check-in and sort”: Recognizes the reception of the entry and also assigns a judging code (sorting).
  • “Check in”: Recognizes the reception of the entry but does not assign the judging code yet. It can be useful when there is a long interval between receiving entries and sorting.

In the case of selecting “Check in” and if the Administrator has enabled the relabeling of entries, it is necessary to proceed with the sorting process explained below.

If “Check-in and sort” is selected, you will be directed to this screen:

Here, one of the judging codes generated in by the Administrator is assigned so that the Entry Label can be removed, and the new Judging Label placed. The system does not allow assigning the same judging code to two different entries.

In the example below, the entry with entry code 2CWH6 now has judging code 2WRM (and also the Award Category is shown if it has been created by the Administrator previously). You can add notes in the “Notes” text box. Don't forget to click on “Sort” to save the assignment of the new Judging Label.

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